
摘 要 :作为美国短篇小说之父和世界三大短篇小说巨匠之一,自1903年移居至纽约之后,欧亨利开始了他的短篇小说创作之旅.他一直着重刻画微妙的感情,表现普普通通的“小人物”,描写了美国民众的日常生活以及他们对浪漫和冒险生活的追求.他的作品之所以感人至深是因为在嬉笑怒骂的故事背后总闪烁着人性的光芒.本文独创从几个著名短篇小说入手,分别从善、恶两方面,探讨在镀金时代中欧亨利小说中的人性描写.

I. Introduction

Humanity is made up of two aspects, one is good virtue,like honesty, integrity and punctuality. Another one is evil one, like selfishness and indifference. At that time, all the industries produced a lot of wealth for a number of businesen. People were accustomed to be selfish, they also were blinded by the money and profits.

II. High Praise of Human Virtues

2.1 The Green Door

The main character―Rudolf Steiner was enthusiastic about searching for the egregious. One night, Rudolf retained the dentist’s cards handed from an African. He became curious about” The Green Door” and decided to go to the Adventure House. He then saw a twenty-year-old girl with pale face in it. Kind Rudolf bought food and water to se the girl. At that age which was full of indifference, most people would just stand by in such condition. However, after knowing that she tried hard without anything to eat for three days, instead of abandoning the young girl and walked away, Rudolf helped her out.

Ⅲ. Severe Critici of Human Defects

3.1 Mammon and the Archer

Richard Rockwall was the child of a soap manufacturing magnate. He fell in love with a girl who was a celebrity and was intended to go abroad. Richard’s father, the well-known proprietor, promised that he would help his son to realize dreams. And Richard’s aunt also ge him a ring belonged to his mother which could bring him good luck. At that wondrous night, right on the way to find the missing ring, Richard surprisingly found a congested flood. Then he bared his heart to that girl he admired so much.

An old proverb goes like: when poverty es in the door, love flied out at the window.

Ⅴ. Conclusion

At the Gilded Age, people worshiped money. O’ Henry’s own experience exerted a huge influence on his writing. In his perspective, the lower-class pursued for the wealth so as to survival.

In a word, humanity lying in O’ Henry’s works offered an unshakable status for this literary master.


O’ Henry, 2013, Selected stories by O’ Henry, Nanjing, Yilin Publisher.


