
摘 要四字词语在汉语中很常用,《十八大报告》(中文版)中四字词语使用率也很高.英语中就不存在这一语言现象,新华社《十八大报告(英语版)》提供四字词语翻译的实例,展示了翻译方法与策略:汉语四字词语主要译为英语动宾短语、名词短语、系表结构短语和英语简单句.

关 键 词 《十八大报告》;四字词语;翻译






解放思想 free up the mind

凝聚力量 pool our strength

面向未来 advance toward the future

以人为本 put people first

不失时机 lose no time (in doing sth)

广泛协商 solicit a wide range of opinions

广集民智 pool wisdom of the people

增进共识increase consensus

增强合力build up synergy

协调关系coordinate relations

汇聚力量pool strength

科学立法make laws in a scientific way,

严格执法enforce them strictly

公正司法administer justice impartially

荣辱与共 share both good and bad times,

引领风尚 guide social trends

执政为民 exercise governance for the people

问政于民consult the people on governance

问需于民learn about people’s needs

问计于民seek people advice

勤俭节约 practice economy

奋发有为 he fine conduct

1.2 主谓结构的汉语四字短语,可直译或意译为英语动宾短语

全民守法 ensure that everyone abides by the law.

百花齐放 he a hundred flowers bloom

百家争鸣he a hundred schools of thought contend (意译)

各尽其能 tap people’s potential to the full

才尽其用 put people’s talent to best use

妄自菲薄 look down upon ourselves (意译)

1.3 有些在意思上并列的动宾短语结构的汉语四字词语,可译为英语动宾短语

艰苦奋斗 defy difficulties and work hard 或者fe ahead with tenacity and resolve

实事求是 seek truth from facts and being realistic and pragmatic

戒骄戒躁 guard against arrogance and impetuosity (两个动词相同,略译了第二个“戒”字)

扫黄打非 crack down on pornography and illegal publications (“扫”和“打”这两个字在此意思相近,所以略译了“打”这个字)

创先争优 encourage (Party members and anizations) to excel in their work (“创先”与“争优”为同义词,略译重复部分,而且根据语境补充出了宾语Party members and anizations)

治国理政 running the country (“治国”与“理政”为同义词,略译重复部分)

攻坚克难overe all difficulties (“攻坚”与“克难”为同义词,略译重复部分)

1.4 多个相关而又连用的汉语四字词语,可略译为英语动宾短语

科教兴国、人才强国 making China strong by developing science and education and training petent personnel (兴国、强国为近义词,所以省略一个.)

勇于实践、勇于变革、勇于创新 boldly engage in practice and make changes and innovations. (结构相同,英译时省略重复的后两个“勇于”) 科学执政、执政、依法执政 govern in a scientific and democratic way and in accordance with the law. (结构相同,英译时省略重复的后两个“执政”)

政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政社分开 separate government administration from the management of enterprises, state assets, public institutions, and social anizations (四个四字短语结构相同,英译时省略重复的后三个“分开”)

实干富民、实干兴邦 endeor to bring prosperity to the people and promote national renewal(结构相同,英译时省略重复的后一个“实干”)

敢于开拓,勇于担当 be eager to blaze new trails and live up to our responsibility ( “敢于”和 “勇于” 意思相近,英译时省略重复的后一个“勇于”)

五湖四海、任人唯贤 appoint officials on their merits without regard to their origins ( “五湖四海”是贤才选拔或任用的范围,所以翻译为了一个介词短语,用作后一个四字词语的状语.)

德才兼备、以德为先 select officials on the basis of both their moral integrity and their professional petence with priority given to the former (“以德为先”是对 “德才兼备”这一选拔标准作一个补充要求,是选拔的优先考虑条件,所以翻译为一个介词短语用作前一个四字词语的状语.)


2.1 名词短语结构的汉语四字词语可直译为英语名词短语

社会公德 public morality

职业道德 professional ethics

家庭美德 family virtues

个人品德 individual integrity,

长期共存 long-term coexistence,

互相监督 mutual oversight

一国两制 one country, two systems

合作共赢mutually beneficial cooperation

2.2 并列名词短语结构的汉语四字短语,可直译为英语的并列名词短语:

平等互信equality and mutual trust

包容互鉴inclusiveness and mutual learning


科学发展、和谐发展、和平发展scientific, harmonious and peaceful development (省略后两个“发展”)

实践创新、理论创新、制度创新 innovation in practice, theory and institutional building (省略后两个“创新”)

3. 汉语有些四字词语可以翻译为英语的单一或并列的系表结构:

互利共赢be mutual beneficial

居安思危 be on guard against adversity in times of peace

妄自尊大 be arrogant

胸怀理想remain true to one’s ideal

坚定信念be firm in one’s conviction

谦虚谨慎 be modest and prudent

求真务实be realistic and pragmatic

多元平衡be diversified and balanced

安全高效be secure and efficient

政治坚定be firm in political conviction

能力过硬be petent and energetic

4. 有些汉语四字词语英译时要翻译成简单句,才能表达出完整意思:

港人治港The people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong.

澳人治澳 The people of Macao govern Macao.

立党为公The Party was founded for the public good.

执政为民The Party exercises state power for the people.

以工促农Industry promotes agriculture.

以城带乡Urban areas support rural development.

工农互惠Agriculture and industry benefit each other.


学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居 All the people enjoy their rights to education, employment, medical and old-age care, and housing. (结构相同,根据语境添加了主语all the people,省略重复的后四个 “有所”.)

各尽其能、各得其所, 和谐相处 All people do their best, find their proper places in society and live in harmony. (根据语境添加了主语all the people.)




【摘 要】近些年来,由于中国经济的飞速发展,国际地位也逐步提高,进而使得国家的对外宣传工作不断加强,因此对。
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