
[摘 要 ] 操作技能是护理工作的基本能力,也是临床护理教学考核评价的重要内容.目前护理本科生临床操作技能考核评价存在重结果、轻过程的现象,造成护生最终成绩与平时表现不符,理论与实践脱节,学习积极性差等结果.即时评价是一种有效促进教学目标实现的教学手段,具有实时评估、调整、控制、激励的特点.操作技能即时评价方案拟定基础护理操作18项、专科护理操作15项;建立了即时评价方式和评价指标;设计了即时评价标准评价表、操作记录表、患者满意度调查表及护生自评表.方案的设计紧密结合临床实际,以教师易于实施,学生易于接受为出发点,以护生为根本,以核心胜任力培养为目标,以完善过程考评体系为目的,激发护生职业认同感和积极性,提高教师素质,活跃临床教学,适应优质护理对护理人才培养的要求.

[关 键 词 ] 即时评价;方案;操作技能;核心胜任力

[中图分类号] G623 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-7210(2012)08(a)-0147-02

Real-time evaluation scheme design for nursing undergraduate in operation skill

ZHANG Yan WANG Xinran HAN Binru

Department of General Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University, Beijing 100053, China

[Abstract] The operation skill is the basic ability of nursing, clinical nursing teaching evaluation is the important content. The current nursing undergraduates in clinical skills assesent to evaluate the presence of hey result light process, phenomenon, caused by nursing students and ordinary performance does not match the final grade, the disconnection between theory and practice, learning motivation and results. Instant evaluation is an effective teaching method to promote the realization of teaching goal, with real-time assesent, adjust, control, excitation characteristic. Operation skill of instant evaluation plan of basic nursing operation 18, specialist nursing operation 15, to establish a real-time evaluation method and evaluation index, to establish a real-time evaluation method and evaluation index, design of instant evaluation criteria evaluation form, operation records, patient satiaction questionnaire and the students' self assesent form. The design closely bines with clinical practice, the teacher is easy to implement, students are easy to accept as a starting point, with nursing students as a fundamental, core petence as the goal, to improve the process evaluation system for the purpose of arousing students occupation, identity and enthusia, improve the quality of teachers, active clinical teaching, quality care to adapt to nursing personnel training requirements.

[Key words] Real-time evaluation, Programs, Skills, Core petence



1.1 护生最终操作成绩与平日实习表现不符




[摘 要]了解目前中医护理操作的规范程度,分析现行中医临床护理操作存在的问题,探讨促进中医护理操作技能。
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